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RJR Herbal Hospitals   425   Viewers

RJR Herbal Hospitals
 RJR Hospital - Best Psoriasis Hospital in Chennai. India is known for its traditional medical practices with the passage of time and westernization the practice lost its importance. Innumerous lifestyle disorders coupled with the Western Worl aping some of our practices like yoga we have started realising the importance of getting back to roots and the ancient medical practices are regaining its attention. Ayurvedic medicine originated in India is the World’s oldest practice of medicine. The Ayurveda system work on the premise that the imbalance that may happen in the three energy levels viz.vata pitta and kapha is the reason for the illness. The beauty of Ayurveda is that it treats each individual a unique and prescribes medicines accordingly. While the basic system of Sidhha is same as Ayurveda the difference lies in the detailing. The underlying philosophy of Siddha is the use of methods and medication including yoga periodic fasting and medication that aims at restoring mind and body balance. Unaniis also an ancient system of medicine founded on the teachings of Hippocrates. Unani lays emphasis on the key elements viz. Air water earth and fire in the healthy functioning of the body. The medicines are drawn naturally from plant products and gives great importance to special diets bith with respect to quantity and quality of food. RJR Herbal Hospitals offers healthcare solutions through a unique blend of traditional Indian medical system. RJR provides healthcare through Siddha Ayurveda and Unani by qualified doctors at its state wide network of hospitals.We strongly believe in a transparent approach and provide innovative and transformative healing at an affordable cost. We urge patients to understand that the system of medical practice is not a magic wand that cures instantly but requires high level of patient participation and discipline in food practice.

Contact Information

  (+91) 40064006

Details Address

  , Near Periyar Road, T. Nagar, No.150, Habibullah Road,Thyagaraya Nagar, Chennai - 600017, Tamil Nadu

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