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Sir Theagaraya College   342   Viewers

Sir Theagaraya College
 Pitty Theagaraya Chetty – Senior and Sir Pitty Theagaraya Chetty-Junior founded the North Madras Hindu Secondary School in 1897 to cater to the educational needs of the local population. For nearly 25 years the school was nurtured under the munificence of the acclaimed philanthropists- the Pitty Brothers. After the demise of the Pitty brothers the School was renamed as Theagaraya Chetty Hindu Secondary School. In 1931 the Pitty Family with the approval of High Court of Madras rightly vested the management of the school into the broader hands of a Committee constituted for the purpose.

Contact Information

  (+91) 25951300

Details Address

  , Washermanpet, 345/1047, Thiruvottiyur High Road,Washermanpet, Chennai - 600021, Tamil Nadu

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